April Mood: Spring Brings Renewal

April Mood: Spring Brings Renewal

Theme: Renewal is our theme for April 2021.  According to the dictionary, renewal is a noun meaning an instance of resuming an activity or state after an interruption or the replacing or repair of something that is worn out, run-down, or broken.  After the wild ride that was 2020, I imagine we are all in need of some renewal this spring.

Welcome to April 2021.  As we start to see what looks like some light at the end of this "interruption".  We officially made it through a year of staying "6 Feet Together" as some like to say.  So as we start to emerge from this period of pause and start to see signs of Spring, we decided that the theme for April would be renewal to honor and celebrate Spring.  Spring is a period of renewal and growth and after cleansing out some of the clutter in March, we now have room to replace and repair all that has become worn out or run down.  For the month of April at Smudge we will be supporting this renewal period with articles around this theme.  We will talk about crystals, tarot cards, rituals and all the things we love at Smudge.  With Easter, Earth Day and 4.20 approaching, we have much to celebrate this April.

A Few Important dates: 

World Autism Awareness Day - April 2

New Moon - April 12 

Tax Day - April 15

Earth Day - April 22 

Full Moon - April 27


April means Spring is here and it is time for some rain and some growth!  The wonderful thing about renewal is that you can make something cherished like new again.  Let’s grow in this period of renewal together! 

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