Libra Season Tarotscopes

Libra Season Tarotscopes

Libra Season tarotscopes are back, with a tarot card for each zodiac sign highlighting what your self-care and growth opportunities are for the month ahead. Read for your Sun and Rising signs to get a clearer picture.

As we enter into fall with charming Libra, ruled by Venus, the planet of relationships and abundance, there may be an emphasis on themes of love, harmony, and balance. But I’m noticing it’s not all rosey --- There’s been a theme of shifts with the advice to go forward but tread lightly.  Libra loves to have a good time, with little drama, the more you can open your arms and trust that the Universe is guiding you exactly where you need to be, the smoother things will go. 

Use this Libra energy to commit yourself to:

  • Find more balance and move with intention
  • Welcome communal approaches into your world
  • Take in sights and sounds that fill your heart
  • Make any excuse to treat yourself

The vibe this Libra season is all about keeping your cool and adding some touches of romance to your day to day to help balance out the frustration from any obstacles you may encounter.










Aries | Wheel of fortune | Aries, the only thing you can bet on is change. Whether you’re moving through it now or just coming out of it, do not get too comfy because you may find yourself making some more shifts this month. How exhausting, I know but, like, the wheel shows up to remind you that everything you’re going through is for a reason. Find your center even in a down swing and trust it won’t last long. Everything, everything, everything is always changing.










Taurus | Knight of Swords | Woah, the energy this month for you, Taurus , might feel a bit hectic, but that’s what’s exciting about it. Have you been feeling like something needs to change fast!? Thinking of ways to get out of the norm and shake life up? If you can allow yourself to be open to changing your precious routine, you may just find yourself in an entirely new space, mentally or physically. This energy around you is quick, fierce and requires you to take action, but make sure your movements have purpose.










Gemini | Three of Swords | Every season has a beginning and … ending. Gemini, your intuition has been right all along, but with that insight you must face the hard truth of the matter. Feel all of your feelings this month, that will be the only way to purge those low vibe emotions, otherwise risk solidifying your pain. Be sure to also CHECK your own footprints in the sand, as well, it takes two to tango after all. 










Cancer | Page of Swords | Cancer, my love, your ideas, your dreams, the desires you have are not crazy, quite the opposite honestly. You are being guided and coaxed to use Libra’s energy this month to help galvanize you into ACTION. As you explore this fresh way of thinking, you are asking lots of questions and gathering as much information as possible. You are very much in the exploratory phase and not mastery so do not worry your gentle soul about challenges or setbacks because that, my friend, is redirection happening in real time. 











Leo | Knight of Cups | Leo, baby, take advantage of this time because something good, dare is about to strut into your life, and it’s going to get spicy. You want to be prepared for this, you’ll want to say yes, you’ll want to keep a level head. You must learn to handle yourself in a more balanced way, Leo, if you want to be highly magnetic to the love, success, joy and excitement you crave. You know you’re worth it, start acting like it.










Virgo | Page of Cups (reversed) | Dear Virgo, feeling that Piscean Full Moon still?  Right now you could be feeling a bit uncertain about where you’re going, where you stand in a relationship, or how to get those creative juices flowing once again.  This month, focus on tapping into your subconscious mind, allow your emotions to guide you and spend more time doing things that inspire your rantic, artistic and sense of wonder. Explore, love, you may be surprised at what pop’s up.










Libra | Nine of Swords | First, happy birthday Libra, this is your time. But what’s causing you to feeling so anxious? This month, turn your gaze inward and ask yourself “is it true, substantiated, or is it all in my head. Could the real villain be my own imagination”. Sometimes an unwillingness to face the situation head on can lead to more struggle, so find some courage, get to the heart of what’s bothering you by talking it out with someone you trust. You’ll probably find it’s not as bad as you think. 










Scorpio | Strength | If anyone can get through dark times with grace and poise, my love, it is you. Scorpio, the time to dig deep and find your inner wild thing, that sensitive beast of your heart, that does not hold back, is now.  Both tender and resilient, this is the month you will need to collaborate with all sides of yourself in order to get through any moments of distress that present themselves. 










Sagittarius | Three of Pentacles | Yesss, this month Sag, you may find yourself finally getting the recognition you deserve. Your genius is getting noticed and it may be opening doors for you.  If you’ve been looking for mentors or step into an internship, perhaps be accepted into a residency so that you can focus on your craft. Believe in yourself, believe in your talents and if looking for a job, don’t accept anything less than you deserve. I love this for you!  










Capricorn | Page of Pentacles (reversed) | It could be time to take a step back Capricorn and reassess your motives and direction. Have you been so focused on achieving a goal that you’ve lost the passion that fueled and inspired you? This month you are being asked to remember what sparks joy in your life, get clear on your why and come back to those original intentions. Remember, all work and no play makes Caps dull, irritated and totally off their game. If your mind isn’t enjoying the subject of it’s focus, then something needs to change.










 Aquarius | Three of Cups  |  Rihanna’s “Cheers (Drink to that)” plays softly in the background while you are being asked to celebrate this month, Aquarius. Whether it be your own, a close friend’s or directed towards a collective achievement, this is a time to raise your glass and honor the accomplishments that have been made at this point.  Remember, it doesn’t matter how big, small or time it’s taken to get here. Recognize there’s been movement and be proud.  Congrats, boo. 










Pisces | Two of wands | The best part about you, Pisces, is your dreamy vibe. Keep it up!! This month, as you set your sights on the next adventure, whenever, wherever, that may be, know that it’s your ability to dream the dream that fuels your magnetism and attraction. You are a super manifestor. You’re probably experiencing some highs right now, ride that wave boo, and continue leaning in because something tells me you’re only scratching the surface on what is possible.

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