Mercury Retrograde Survival Guide

Mercury Retrograde Survival Guide

I think we all get a little scared when we hear “Mercury Retrograde.” I mean, who wouldn’t with all the tropes of Wi-Fi cutting out, our bosses calling us into meetings we haven’t prepared for, and the dreaded “I miss you” text from the one we are trying to forget. 

I don’t think Mercury Retrogrades has to be so terrifying, though. The main reason they are scary in the first place, is because our perspective is on all the bad that can happen. But, if we simply shift our view, then we can shine a new light on this time of resetting. 

Here are five ways to help shift your perspective during Mercury Retrograde. Of course, you don’t have to do all of them, but the more the merrier!

  1. Listen to your circadian rhythm.
    1. We live in a society that is always go go go. We are programmed not to let our bodies rest. Mercury Retrograde can push you to your limits and keep you up late or cause you to miss alarms. That’s fine, though. Think of a missed alarm as a sign from your body that you needed rest. In fact: don’t even set the alarm on the weekends during this Retrograde. Allow yourself to wake up naturally. 
  2. Be clear when you need something.
    1. Do not overload yourself during a retrograde. You might struggle with your clarity and how you are managing your time. You must say no, tell your boss if you need more time, and just accept that the only way you can get the needed help is to ASK.
  3. Intentionally ignore your phone.
    1. This one will be hard, but I think it is important to separate from our technology a little more than usual during a retrograde. We live in an age where this seems insane, but guess what? Technology will be on the fritz anyway, so why not give ourselves some alone time to reflect. Leave your phone at home, go for a 20-30 minute stroll around your neighborhood and be with your thoughts, experience life, and remember that this too shall pass.  
  4. Journal everything.
    1. Journaling is my go recommendation, because it ALWAYS WORKS. Every time something goes wrong, or you find yourself agitated, write it down. Then, once you get to the end of the retrograde, go back to the list and reflect on what happened. Were you actually in a time of peril, or was it some petty nonsense? This action will allow you to help pinpoint areas of your life that might be more stressful than others and help you realize what you might need to work through.
  5. Find the light at the end of the tunnel.
    1. Easier said than done, but the world doesn’t work in unbalanced ways. So for every negative, there is a positive waiting for us around the corner. Think, for example, you miss the subway. Sure, you might be late to a meeting, but you got to listen to a few extra minutes of your favorite song or podcast. Or even when your ex texts you, rather than being annoyed that they are crawling back into your life, you can reflect on how you have grown since you left them. 

Mercury Retrograde will go into effect starting May 29th, and will last until June 22nd. Prepare yourself, but don’t get overwhelmed by the potentials of what might go wrong.  Look for the light!

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