Smudge Wellness Weekly X -- Introducing Cole

Smudge Wellness Weekly X -- Introducing Cole

Welcome to Wellness Weekly coming to you every Wednesday.  This will be a weekly series, sort of like a Letter from the Editors that will rotate between Morgan, Lara and Luigi with the occasional guest.  We’ll hold space on the Dirt to check-in on our Sixth Sense: the term we use to refer to our spirit, our intuition, our inner power.  And because while we exist in the world alongside our other Five Senses, we’ll do a check-in of those, too. 

As we approach the close of April, I’m reflecting on my sense of renewal. Before I dive too deep into my story, let me introduce myself. My name is Cole. I’m a 23-year-old self-taught astrologer with a passion for helping people learn to love themselves through the stars. When reflecting on the theme of “renewal,” I think of this concept of breaking free of the constraints imposed on us by the perceptions of others to be more ourselves. 

Over the past two years, I have been working in a corporate 9 to 5 job. The 9 to 5 grind was the path that was drilled into my head since I was a kid. Get good grades, graduate from college, find a stable job, and stay there because there is no risk. That was the standard formula of me, but it was not the formula that added up. I have always had this internal drive to break from the mold and create my equation for success. Not because I needed to be different but because I needed to be authentic. So, I recently quit my job to pursue my passion for astrology and to invest in myself.

Renewal is a perfect complement to the essence of spring because it speaks to the new starts and beginnings for us all. I have taken an enormous leap of faith to begin a unique and different journey from everything that I have ever pictured for myself. Though quitting my stable job to be my boss is scary, there is a stronger sense of confidence and freedom that comes with it. I feel as though a weight has been lifted off my shoulders, and I’m finally on an authentic path. Sometimes to experience renewal, you have to strip yourself of all the chains holding you down. Even though the month of renewal is coming to an end, there is a beautiful horizon ahead of me as I start this new journey. 

How are you renewing yourself?

Here’s what’s going on with my other senses this week:

Sight: I’ve been rewatching a lot of Jenna Marbles YouTube videos lately. She is… my queen, and I find so much joy out of reliving my childhood memories through her videos. Yes, renewal is about moving forward, but there is something very gratifying about looking at the past to remember where we have come and how we have grown.

Sound: One of my new friends, Morgxn, recently released an EP titled Meridian Vol. 1. On this EP is a song called Porcelain. Porcelain has gotten me through the past few weeks building up to quitting my job. This song is the epitome of renewal. There is a line in the chorus that goes, “I want to feel again, I want to feel like porcelain.” It has been the focal point of reflection for me as I think that I am getting to begin again and start a new life for myself. 

Smell: Scent has never been a great sense for me. I have a sensitive nose, and too many fragrances can give me a headache. Living next to Central Park, I have the luxury of being able to have a taste of nature in New York City. Lately, I’ve been able to enjoy the scents of spring on my daily runs. The fresh-cut grass, the magnolia trees, and even the occasional hot dog from a street vendor have invigorated me. They all remind me of the simple things in life that remind me to be hopeful and of what is to come.

Taste: I’ve been treating myself to some of my favorite snacks lately. Sour Cream & Onion Lays are by far my favorite. They are a snack that I could eat an entire party-sized bag of in an hour. I don’t buy them for myself because they aren’t the healthiest, but a little self-indulgence is okay now and then.

Touch: I recently got a bunch of hoodies. They make me feel safe and comfortable, especially when they are brand new. That new hoodie texture is so gratifying because it is soft and just feels so happy. I mean, renewal is all about NEWNESS, and a new hoodie is my favorite tactile sensation to remind me of the simple pleasures that I overlook all the time.

Be one of Cole's 2 Million + followers on Tik Tok: @jkitscole

Instagram: @jkitscole

Or catch his astrology series premiere on our YouTube Channel

Looking to amplify your power? Cole suggests the following:

Amethyst Point 
Cedar Smudgesticks
Lavender scented incense
The Modern Witch Tarot Deck

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