Welcome to the New Smudge Wellness!

Welcome to the New Smudge Wellness!

Today we relaunch our new website -- and we couldn’t be more excited to share with you. Yes, it works better and yes, it is gorg, but as with most everything at Smudge HQ, the real transformation is more than skin deep. 

We started Smudge because we were two people who found acceptance, self-love, and self-compassion by building a spiritual wellness practice and wanted to share that with the world. Traditional institutions had failed us (looking at you, patriarchy), and a one-size-fits-all version of wellness had stunted rather than sparked our personal growth. At our darkest point, we discovered crystals and the healing potential of ritual, and learned to access our greatest power source: ourselves. And it was by tapping into that endless source of energy that we were able to finally and fully shine. 

Our new website is a love letter to this approach to spiritual wellness -- and, most importantly, to the spectrum of varied rock stars who have found their personal power in this deeply individual, deeply magical way. We aspire to give a platform to these profiles of Courage, Intuition, Purpose, Opportunity, Calm, and Love and show the world that wellness doesn’t happen when we learn to love ourselves in spite of our differences, but happens when we love ourselves because of these differences. Our Smudge Power Rangers are incredible and we can’t wait for you to meet them.

As we roll out our new site, a revamped blog full of educational articles and videos, and more witchy and wonderful products to amplify your own out-of-this-world energy, these three pillars of Smudge remain:

Practical Magic -- we believe a spiritual wellness practice works best when it meets at the intersection of pragmatic and mystical, by finding ways to incorporate it into our lives in a way that is sustainable and real. For us, crystals and spiritual wellness tools will never be simply something pretty to display on a coffee table. They are objects of action and change and should be treated accordingly.

Wellness (and Life) is Messy -- accessing your power is not always pretty. It requires rolling up your sleeves and occasionally getting dirty. Vulnerability is a virtue, being “normal” is not. It’s when we are willing to experience that discomfort that our lives start to actually fit.

A Spiritual Wellness Practice is as One-of-a-Kind as You -- we will never prescribe a single way that is the “right” way to do something. We will always be the two best friends who figured this out one tequila soda, one therapy session, and one crystal at a time, slowly but steadily understanding what made us feel more connected to ourselves and the world around us. The only right spiritual wellness practice is the one that is right for you.

As is the case with our country right now (you didn’t think we were going to let the election totally go unmentioned, did you?), our work is only just beginning. We know that as a company we still have so much to do and so much that we want to accomplish. But we are energized and emboldened by what is on the horizon. We can’t wait to make some meaningful magic together with you.


Lara and Luigi

Team Smudge 

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