Wellness Weekly: Changes With Tirrell

Wellness Weekly: Changes With Tirrell

Welcome to Wellness Weekly coming to you every Wednesday.  This will be a weekly series, sort of like a Letter from the Editors that will rotate between Morgan, Lara and Luigi with the occasional guest.  We’ll hold space on the Dirt to check-in on our Sixth Sense: the term we use to refer to our spirit, our intuition, our inner power.  And because while we exist in the world alongside our other Five Senses, we’ll do a check-in of those, too.

Hello friends, I am thrilled to be joining the team at Smudge Wellness and can’t wait to share all of my tarot love with you. I’m Tirrell, he/him, Taurus sun, Pisces moon, Aquarius rising, on a mission to help others tap into their intuition and live authentically. There’s a lot I could go into about where I’ve been, but I’d rather our introduction begin with where I am, right now, because it’s juicy!

This month marks a huge milestone in my life; in June, we (my dog and me) moved from Australia back to my hometown, Atlanta, a place I haven’t lived since 2011, and within the first week of landing, I met my boyfriend after six months of dating exclusively online. There is also a major focus on building my holistic coaching practice while consciously using all of this time to allow a natural unfolding in my life.

Needless to say, the energy swirling around has felt hectic, but also exciting, akin to the Fool tarot card; I am taking it all one step at a time, leaving the past and worries behind me, fully trusting that as I step forward the next stone will appear. 

I believe that there are moments in life that require big bold action and there are times when we must slow it down to let the Universe, and our inner-knowing, lead the way. If you’re unsure of where you stand right now or have been experiencing as much shift and newness as I have, July's theme of recharge could be exactly what you need. 


*The Fool Tarot Card |

 Light Seer’s Tarot Deck


How I’m connecting with my other 5 senses:

Sight | 

Before I left Sydney, a friend gave me a book called Stillness Is The Key by Ryan Holiday. It’s a collection of practices and examples of how finding stillness amidst a chaotic world or time or experience is crucial to finding sustainable peace, joy and success. I only read a couple pages at a time but it’s very applicable for where I am and a good reminder to SLOOOW DOWN when my mind wanders a little too much.

Sound |

H.E.R. just dropped a new album that is slow and chill. I listened to it with my boo for the first time and track number one titled “We Made It” gave me all the feels. Even just thinking about it takes me right back to driving on a winding mountain road with just me, my guy and pooch. She belts we made it and I can’t help but feel so grateful that I was able to manifest this kind of love to me.

Smell |

I received a set of shower steamers from a company called Wellness Wonders. This particular scent is Ginger, Pink Grapefruit & Sweet Orange labeled “ You Got This “. This package comes with four blocks, one to be placed in your shower (off in the corner to allow a steam effect). It’s aroma therapy for your shower and smells so so yummy.  I usually get in and get out when I shower so having these steamers gives me reason to take a little more time to savor the moment, plus your bathroom also smells fantastic too.

Taste |

I forgot how good peaches taste here in Georgia, I forgot how much I loved peaches during the summer time. There’s something about finding a really juicy peach and biting in that brings me right to the present moment. It’s like I’m surprised by the flavor and juice of the peach, I don’t want to stop eating it but I don’t want to get it all over me. I feel like a kid again.

Touch |

I’ve had a lot of opportunities to get outside and practice grounding or “earthing”. This involves going outside and standing on grass to ground your energy, to allow the earth to recharge your energetic field. This is a great way to reset, my favorite time of day to do this is pretty early in the morning while the grass is still dewy. I step outside, drop my awareness to the souls of my feet, take a deep breath in and channel the earth’s energy into my body. Reconnecting with the ground below me, I walk away feeling supported. 

Follow Tirrell

@tirrellcherry on IG 

Book a reading with him 


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