Wellness Weekly: Commitment to Movement with Das

Wellness Weekly: Commitment to Movement with Das

Welcome to Wellness Weekly coming to you every Wednesday.  This will be a weekly series, sort of like a Letter from the Editors that will rotate between Morgan, Lara and Luigi with the occasional guest.  We’ll hold space on the Dirt to check-in on our Sixth Sense: the term we use to refer to our spirit, our intuition, our inner power.  And because while we exist in the world alongside our other Five Senses, we’ll do a check-in of those, too.

When I thought about commitment at the beginning of the month, my goal was to move my body in some way each day for the entire month of September. I was inspired by two friends that completed 30 day workout challenges. I thought “this will be a great way to keep me active, keep the endorphins flowing and maybe tone and tighten just a bit more.” Well, that plan isn’t going so well, ha! I have a knee injury that has decided to pay me a visit. I’ve been forced to slow down. I realized that although initially I was committing to moving my body, the real commitment was to myself. To me, that is the best kind of commitment. So now I’m pivoting and finding things to do that are just for me. So far this has included: sleeping in until 10am, randomly making French Toast at 1pm, taking a walk to a local park, sitting outside and reading for an hour, or buying the jean jacket I’ve had my eyes on for months. My commitment this month is now more focused on things that bring me joy knowing that when I am happy everything else seems to flow so much more smoothly. So much is going on in the world around us that we can lose sight of ourselves. I challenge anyone reading this to do something today that is just for you. It can be big or small, but do something that will bring you joy today. A little bit of joy can go a long way!

Inspired By the 5 other Senses: Sight, Sound, Smell, Taste, and Touch

Looking at: I recently started watching Akwafina is Nora From Queens. It is the comedy show I didn’t know I needed! Awkwafina is hysterical and being a native New Yorker, I love that it takes place in Queens.



Listening To: I’ve currently had Nelly Furtado’s Loose on heavy rotation. I definitely played the hell out of that album in 2006! Say It Right is still my favorite.


Breathing In: A few months back my sister recommended adding Eucalyptus to my shower. I did and I love it!


Eating: I just had pizza from a neighborhood spot called Baccio Pizzeria. Pizza is my go to treat meal! At Baccio, my favorite pizza is the Margherita, but the Crispus Attucks is a close second (it has Pesto!).

Stone: Rose Quartz is a stone that I keep near me. I have one on my desk and when I have important calls, like interviews or therapy, I hold it in my hand. It brings a sense of calm.

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