The Dirt - A Blog by Smudge Wellness

July Theme: In July We Recharge

July Theme: In July We Recharge

In July We Recharge For many of us, July is a month to do relatively nothing. Think leisurely Saturday barbecues, lazy walks on the beach, ditching any and all clothing...

July Theme: In July We Recharge

In July We Recharge For many of us, July is a month to do relatively nothing. Think leisurely Saturday barbecues, lazy walks on the beach, ditching any and all clothing...

how to feel grounded when you are grounded

how to feel grounded when you are grounded

Welcome to week gazillion of quarantine. My kids saw the inside of a car for the first time in three weeks (so that they could wave out the window to...

how to feel grounded when you are grounded

Welcome to week gazillion of quarantine. My kids saw the inside of a car for the first time in three weeks (so that they could wave out the window to...