Smudge Wellness
When you want a power boost, may we suggest you get the ball rolling and select one of our a la carte spheres? They are an energetic addition to your desk, mantle, or anywhere else you might need some extra sparkle.
Can we get sappy for a sec? Love is in the air when Rose Quartz is present. Not just the first Tinder date/one-night-stand/fur rug by the fireplace kind of love (though, it helps with that, too). We mean true love -- the kind that makes you feel seen and heard. Whether the journey is about finding a soulmate or discovering ways to self-care, this crystal reminds us to lead with love every. damn. day.
Learn more about Rose Quartz here
Rose Quartz is also featured in these articles on our blog, The Dirt
Using Healing Crystals for Pets
Smudge Crystal Library: Rose Quartz
Recharge Shopping Guide With Smudge Wellness
Smudge Crystal Library: A Deeper Look Into Rose Quartz
Crystal Matchmaking: How to Find the Perfect Crystal for Every Occasion