The Dirt - A Blog by Smudge Wellness

A 3 Card Spread for Balance and Reciprocity

A 3 Card Spread for Balance and Reciprocity

A Space to Reflect - Before Using Tarot Cards The first thing to keep in mind about using tarot cards as part of the decision making process is that the...

A 3 Card Spread for Balance and Reciprocity

A Space to Reflect - Before Using Tarot Cards The first thing to keep in mind about using tarot cards as part of the decision making process is that the...

Wellness Weekly with Lara: Sparking Adventure with "Yes, and..."

Wellness Weekly with Lara: Sparking Adventure w...

Welcome to Wellness Weekly coming to you every week. This is a weekly series, sort of like a Letter from the Editors, that will rotate between Morgan, Lara, and Luigi...

Wellness Weekly with Lara: Sparking Adventure w...

Welcome to Wellness Weekly coming to you every week. This is a weekly series, sort of like a Letter from the Editors, that will rotate between Morgan, Lara, and Luigi...

Wellness Weekly: Changes With Tirrell

Wellness Weekly: Changes With Tirrell

Welcome to Wellness Weekly coming to you every Wednesday.  This will be a weekly series, sort of like a Letter from the Editors that will rotate between Morgan, Lara and...

Wellness Weekly: Changes With Tirrell

Welcome to Wellness Weekly coming to you every Wednesday.  This will be a weekly series, sort of like a Letter from the Editors that will rotate between Morgan, Lara and...